감독: Marcela,Rincón
출연자: Leonor,González,Mina,Jorge,Herrera
줄거리: Lila, a character in a children's story book, suddenly falls out of her paper world and ends up trapped in a place she doesn't belong - And so starts this great adventure where Lila discovers that the only person who can save her is Ramon, the owner of the book who hasn't read it for many years - But it's not going to be easy; Ramon is no longer the little boy he was, he has grown up and has not only stopped reading, but has also stopped believing in fantasy. Lila and her new friend Manuela set out to convince him of what's happening and together they face a dangerous journey to the Desert of Lost Memories, to retrieve Lila's lost book. In this adventure through magical worlds, children will explore and discover the true value of friendship and the power of fantasy.
1 天命大主宰
10.0 天命大主宰 연도:2025 지역:中国大陆 감독:娄佳,笔落 출연자:许子尧,张英,李晓宝,乔涛涛,吕佳新,张旭月,王心语,孙露,郜晓雨,王晶
2 无名记忆第二季
7.0 无名记忆第二季 연도:2025 지역:日本 감독:三浦和也,河合良介,林コージロー,今泉雄一 출연자:中岛良树,种崎敦美,梅田修一朗,夏吉优子,赤崎千夏,佐藤拓也,天崎滉平 Kôhei Amasaki,森永千才,福山润,川澄绫子,清水理沙,园崎未惠,梶裕貴,楠木灯
3 缘结甘神家
2.0 缘结甘神家 연도:2024 지역:日本 감독:安部祐二郎,渡边浩 출연자:铃木崚汰,上坂堇,本渡枫,若山诗音,水树奈奈,安济知佳,岛田敏
4 一世独尊
9.0 群花绽放、彷如修罗 연도:2025 지역:日本 감독:宇和野歩 출연자:藤寺美德,岛袋美由利,和泉风花,千叶翔也,山下诚一郎,安野希世乃,坂泰斗,游佐浩二,日笠阳子
6 徒弟个个是大佬
7 都市古仙医
8 蛮荒仙界
10 我能无限顿悟
11 失业魔王
12 少年歌行血染天启篇
13 蜂蜜柠檬苏打2025
5.0 蜂蜜柠檬苏打2025 연도:2025 지역:日本 감독:锦织博 출연자:市之濑加那,矢野奖吾,高桥李依,根本京里,土岐隼一,八代拓
14 天久鹰央的推理病历表
8.0 天久鹰央的推理病历表 연도:2025 지역:日本 감독:岩田和也 출연자:佐仓绫音,小野贤章,石见舞菜香,水树奈奈,立木文彦,诹访部顺一,平田广明,泽城美雪,竹内良太,樱井孝宏,富田美忧,岩本莲加,大塚明夫,石川由依,户谷菊之介,若山诗音,石田彰,平野绫,青木遥
15 时光代理人英都篇